Friday, July 6, 2007

Like Mana from Heaven

In my deployed location, decent yarn is impossible to find. I fear ordering any because I am already waiting on packages mailed over two months ago. I have ordered from Elann and Knitpicks, but I've found that I'm not the very best at picking out yarn from pictures. It's like ordering shoes online - impossible to tell exactly what you are getting and if it will fit.
So, imagine my happiness when I found this Caron One Pound just laying there, waiting for someone to claim it. It's not something I would have picked. I've heard of the nightmares of knitting in black. But, I am happy with it.
The yarn has a bit of chunk to it... I'm still searching for the perfect pattern. It seems to be the right weight for the Origami Cardigan in the Summer Issue of Interweave Knits. I liked the sweater at first glance, but the longer I look at it, the less I like it.
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After some surfing I've seen pictures of the back, but this picture just makes me wonder what the side looks like. I'm also considering something poncho-ish. Hmmm. I'm off to search for more patterns!

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