Tuesday, June 22, 2010

14 more weeks....

Not like I am counting or anything. har har.

I was surprised at work this morning to find myself headed to a 7 Habits for Highly Successful People seminar. It's been nice to have some focused time on what I want. For the past several months I've been in a "this is it?" slump. I've got a job that challenges me, a loving husband who is equal in parenting and household responsibilities, a beautiful daughter. Yet I am somehow unfulfilled and unfocused.

I feel like I am somehow losing the race. Like I have a destination in mind and I should have been there by now. We spent time today looking inward to define what a successful life is - not about money or objects, but about what people will have to say about you when you are 80, what accomplishments you will have shared with the world. I came away from the lesson with a few concepts that I have been neglecting.

First - I want to CREATE. Anything. I want to knit/crochet/quilt/scrapbook/write or contribute to a computer program. All of the above. I want to be known as someone who creates.

Second - I want to COMMUNICATE with others. I have a pretty stagnant social life. I talk to my husband and my co-workers. That's basically it. How sad. I reached out to a few old good friends tonight to open lines of communication. I'm hopeful that we can rekindle friendships. My other plan is to become active in some sort of group related to an interest - reading, knitting, mothering. It's scary to try new things, but I have got to broaden my horizons.

Friday, June 4, 2010

16 weeks to sanity...

I have about 16 weeks left of my online college courses. I hope that once my classes are completed I will be returning here much more often. I hope to write about creating a better home, crafting, and possibly an occasional coverage of my interest in geographic information and geocaches.