Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What did I just do???

Alright, I was looking and looking and looking for a Stich & Bitch or Mommies Night or something in town. I live on an Air Force base, and there is an Arts & Crafts center. They have knitting, but only during the day. I went to check them out this evening just to see what the place was like, and I signed myself up to teach knitting and crocheting!

They actually pay people to teach the classes, which made me laugh to think they would pay me. I consider myself an "experienced beginner" as in I have been starting knitting projects for a couple of years now. I am getting a bit of stage fright at the thought of it now though, because of all the knitting I haven't done. I've never knitted a whole sock, I've only finished a basic shawl, I have never actually blocked my knitting. My crocheting is passable, but I don't do a ton of it. :(

But the lady didn't ask me for references. I said "I could probably teach" and then she handed me the paper work.  I hope that I can get along well enough on kindness, patience, and the fact that I can figure out about anything I don't already know. Wish me luck!