Monday, April 21, 2008

Not Quite Right...

I've been working on creating a Water Bottle Cozy for my mom. I am borrowing the basic idea from one I saw on Ravelry, used to be free on, but is no longer. Anyways, all you need to do is crochet the bottom and increase to the number of stitches you want. Got that part fine, I am just so indecisive on the stitch pattern I want to use. I picked this up again after avoiding it for a week or two. I've started and ripped back at least 3 of these already. I am determined to knit something from start to finish!!!

So, I was thinking, hey a cable would be cute and interesting to knit. I have never really done a cable before. But now I realize that it's not gonna go. The cable pulls in too much and it's not gonna stretch to let anything in now. I kind of knew this would happen, but was feeling like trying it anyways. I need to go pick a basic knit/purl stitch pattern and get this darn thing done! I've got something else already planned to knit for a friend, but I'm making myself get one of these done first!